21 Ekim 2013 Pazartesi

Boston, Massachusetts, Federal Criminal Defense Attorney

Federal criminal cases are complex. The United States Sentencing Guidelines can create harsh results for defendants and inexperienced attorneys and federal investigations may probe into all areas of the life of the accused. Federal prosecutors hold overwhelming authority to curtail basic rights and freedoms and to damage the defendant's livelihood and reputation. Likewise, prisoners in the state and federal systems serve sentences they never earned, either because the prisoner is factually innocent or because the sentence was unlawful and unduly harsh.

If you have been accused of a white collar or a major federal crime, there is hope. If you or a loved one is serving a long state or federal sentence (or even facing execution), an attorney committed to federal criminal defense and habeas corpus litigation can defend your rights, your name, and your freedom.
An experienced attorney will fight for you by challenging all the critical aspects the case against you, including police tactics and procedures, prosecutorial overreaching, and the truthfulness and competency of prosecution witnesses. A committed attorney will spend the time and have the know-how to pursue opportunities for acquittal or sentence reduction. A committed lawyer attends all court presentations and conducts all preparation personally, using the most current available technology to fight for your rights in today's modern electronic federal courts.
Insist on an Experienced and Committed Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer.
I conduct a regular practice in the federal court system and am a member of the Criminal Justice Act Panels of Massachusetts and Maine. I have also been counsel precedent-setting cases, setting new liberal rules on topics such as the admissibility of confessions, the mentally ill, and the limit of judges' sentencing authority.
I am experienced in federal criminal law. This lets my defendants build strong defenses; it helps them win favorable pleas and sentences or an acquittal at trial. I will personally review the facts of your case, prepare your case for trial, and represent you in the courtroom.
Contact a Knowledgeable and Diligent Attorney.
If you have been accused of a federal crime, from forgery and counterfeiting to Internet and bank fraud or misuse of fiduciary authority, seek a lawyer with relevant experience, sound knowledge, and demonstrated commitment. I am available twenty-four hours a day to my clients, and I offer free initial consultations. Contact me today at 617-737-1555.